Would I be better to go with prime rate business loans than a government loan?

If you are looking to find funding for your small business in Canada, one of the easiest ways to find funding is to get access to our Funding Database where we have over 1,500 funding programs including government grants, loans, financial assistance programs as well as private investor options. Take the right step forward and start the search for funding now by becoming a member of CanadaStartups!
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
The official government grant money site could be one of many that is applicable to the different funding programs that the Canadian government offers. One β¦Read Full Answer
There are many government grants and loans in place for any individual that has a small business. Looking for government business grants for veterans means β¦Read Full Answer
Annually there are grants available in Canada that may be ideal for a new start up business. Each year, there are new grant choices offered β¦Read Full Answer
There are a numerous government new small business loans and grants available for start up companies in Canada. Canada government loans are financial agreements that β¦Read Full Answer
The various Canada government loans programs for eligible small business include government loans that can provide funding for the purchase of equipment as well as β¦Read Full Answer
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