Where do I find out where to apply for government grants that provide free government grants?

There are currently 264 grant programs available in our Funding Database. In fact, the Funding Database currently has over 1,500 funding programs available for small business owners and startup entrepreneurs. What are you doing to take advantage of this? Become a member and start your search.
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
There are grants for purchasing computers and other equipment for your small business offered annually, which can be used to purchase computers for people with โฆRead Full Answer
There are government loans for business purchase for a variety of different reasons. And individuals looking to purchase a business may be able to qualify โฆRead Full Answer
Grant programs for women owned small business ventures in Toronto and Vancouver exist. However, the number of them is hard to predict. A new set โฆRead Full Answer
A government grant or loan may be able to help you improve your Canadian business without using credit of your own. Even the loans offered โฆRead Full Answer
If you can convince the awarding agency of the legitimacy of work at home jobs, then you can typically use the funds from the government โฆRead Full Answer
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