Where can I find out about small business loan minority opportunities?

There are currently 264 grant programs available in our Funding Database. In fact, the Funding Database currently has over 1,500 funding programs available for small business owners and startup entrepreneurs. What are you doing to take advantage of this? Become a member and start your search.
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
The Canadian federal and provincial government departments and agencies provide a vast number of grants to small businesses in Canada. Government grants can help you …Read Full Answer
The Canadian government has a number of resources designed to help applicants find free information about using government grants for opening a small business. Finding …Read Full Answer
Federal government grants are an excellent way to obtain money for a business that you do not need to make a repayment for receiving the …Read Full Answer
If you are interested in government grants basics then really what you would want to do in respect to your requirement for small business funding …Read Full Answer
If you are looking for other options for business funding besides hard to find business loans, then take a look at the Canadian government grants …Read Full Answer
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