What sort of thing can Canadian government loans do for small businesses?
The various Canada government loans programs for eligible small business include government loans that can provide funding for the purchase of equipment as well as other costs associated with a start up or existing business. These may include employee training or relocation. There are many types of government small business loans available covering a wide range of purposes, including researching a market opportunity or expanding an existing property, hiring a consultant, or to make leasing improvements.
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You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
The Canadian government offers funding in the form of grants as well as loans. There are loans for small business, personal, educational, and housing needs, …Read Full Answer
The national government in Canada has more money to work with than does the government of Ontario. So, it makes sense that national small business …Read Full Answer
The government offers loans in Canada to small business which may be better for the recipient than those of most other lenders. Each offer has …Read Full Answer
Green small business grants are available in Toronto. However, the specific details likely change periodically to suit the current needs. There are offers for installing …Read Full Answer
The Canadian government is very keen on assisting small businesses in their expansion. The mandate of the government is to boost the Canadian economy through …Read Full Answer
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