What is the small business financing and investment act of 2009?
The principles contained in the Act build on a continuous process of ensuring that financial help is available to small businesses that would otherwise be unable to borrow money to help a new or existing business.
What could you do for your small business if you were to obtain a grant or a loan of $5,000 or $50,000 or even more from the government? Or would you be able to benefit from a private investor investing their time and money into you and your business? It is a possibilityย so be sure to find out how much funding your small business may be able to obtain. Become a registered member and start your funding search.
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
Canada provides a wide range of government financing options, and has been known to back guaranteed small business loans in the past. In fact, Canadian …Read Full Answer
There are many small business loan start ups available for getting a new business established. Special government programs are available, providing loans for small businesses, …Read Full Answer
There is govt funding in Ontario in the form of loans and grants offered for small business, educational, and housing needs, many of which will …Read Full Answer
The Canadian government has put together the small business grants canada program to help individuals with a small business. In order to qualify for a …Read Full Answer
Government small business loans and grants in Canada remain available, but the details may change periodically to better suit economic changes and because deadlines may …Read Full Answer
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