It seemed like just yesterday, summer was starting. But we are already in September (end of September), and we have A LOT of good news for you if you are a small business startup or thinking of starting a small business in Canada.
Why you ask?
As of today, our Funding Database currently has total grant programs, total loan programs, total financial …Read Full Article
When it comes to debt, it is important to note that although it is possible for you to live without it personally, most businesses survive through it. Debt financing allows businesses to finance various investments for growth. However, even with the benefits of accessing more financing in mind, applying for debt should be treated with a lot of care. This …Read Full Article
Thank you for your question regarding the availability of small business startup grants or loans.
This is one question that we see very often from …Read Full Answer
Borrowing money to start your business is never easy, but having a source of money is always helpful.
In Canada, small businesses have been a major player in keeping the economy strong. In fact, nearly half of the jobs created today are due to small business owners’ success. To continue the success of small businesses in Canada, and to continue …Read Full Article