Welcome to another great member story. If you follow CanadaStartups’s blog you know that one of the things we like to do is share our member’s success stories, experiences and challenges with our audience. This time we are sharing a member’s experience with a small business grants agency.
On a daily basis hundreds if not thousands of people across Canada apply …Read Full Article
Government grants for businesses in Canada are available but there are many misconceptions which are often caused by individuals who have applied and been denied government funding or have not applied and refuse to due to a previous negative belief of government grants!
We are here today to share with you 17 facts about government grants for small business owners in …Read Full Article
When starting a small business in Canada, one of the first steps of getting started with your small business is to ensure that you have enough capital to be able to do so. Capital, financing, funding, money…all the same, but what is the best way of getting your small business funded?
In this article we are going to compare the …Read Full Article
You’ve spent a lot of time looking for the perfect government funding program that is right for your small business, and now it’s time to apply. Before you grab a pen and start filling out the application on your own, here are a number of useful tips to writing small business grant applications like the professionals who get funded do.
While …Read Full Article
Working with CanadaStartups.org and numerous small business owners on a daily basis you learn a thing or two. Especially about government funding.
Government funding is one of those things that everybody wants to be a part of but simply don’t know where to begin.
In fact, I get e-mailed all the time and am asked Is there funding programs for …Read Full Article
When starting a small business in Canada, most entrepreneurs start of one of two ways.
With existing money/capital/funding, or little to no money which leads into the need to get  small business grants or funding.
Some would say, “how can you start a small business and have no money to start off with?”, and they aren’t wrong. However as Canadians, …Read Full Article
Starting a small business is a challenge. Nobody ever said it was easy. It requires a lot of work, dedication, patience, a great idea and of course money.
That being said, today we at CanadaStartups are happy to announce another success story of a small business couple who were successful at starting and launching their small business in the city of …Read Full Article
Applying for government funding for your small business in Canada doesn’t have to be difficult, nor scary. It can be a simple process just like applying for a credit card, line of credit or a car loan at a bank. As long as you have the details that you require, you are confident and know what you want – it …Read Full Article
Paying for Government Funding Information. Should you really be giving somebody your hard earned money to get you the information that is freely available from the government of Canada?
There is no right or wrong answer here. That decision is up to you.
Well if finding government information was so easy, don’t you think that more people would know about it?
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Government funding, seems impossible to get for your small business, doesn’t it?
Before you apply for government funding, there are a few things you have to understand about it and the misconception behind it. These are the few mistake that the majority of people applying for government funding make before they even start, and fail.
#1. Government funding is not available for …Read Full Article