As a small business, startup or existing, getting the proper government funding support for your business may be the key to your success. This means, successful government funding application must be completed.
When it comes to government funding applications, at least 20% of all applicants miss key information in their funding applications, which leads to a quick denial of funds, …Read Full Article
Hearing “not approved” when applying for government funding can be a breaking point for any business owner. Especially if that capital would have been used to help you start our small business, to expand your existing business, or to fund the very needed expenses you have.
In many cases, as a small business, the number one reason you are applying …Read Full Article
When it comes to understanding government funding, there is a lot of “the unknown” that small business owners find themselves stuck with. We here at CanadaStartups try to eliminate some of those if not all of the unknowns as much as we can through services such as our funding application review service.Â
If you’re a registered member of CanadaStartups you most …Read Full Article