Recently we had a question come in to one of our Business Consultants asking how do I create a business plan to get funding?
We decided to send out an e-mail to our existing members and those who have successfully obtained funding from private sources, from the government, the banks and from our Funding Database. The results we received back were …Read Full Article
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Have A Business Plan
Everybody knows that a business plan is one of the first steps to take when you are thinking of starting a small business. BUT…it’s not one of the things that people actually do.
Well it is pretty simple actually, as a new inexperienced entrepreneur you think that it is better …Read Full Article
Most often when it comes time to fill out the applications and forms to obtain a small business financing one of the items asked for …Read Full Answer
Starting a new business can be quite exciting; however, without following the right steps, you may end up with a perfectly good business that cannot operate due to legal reasons. Read on to find out some of the important steps to follow in starting anew business.
Business idea
To start a business you need a business idea in the first …Read Full Article
Starting a small business can be a tough thing to do. Writing a business plan can help entrepreneurs organize their thoughts and keep on track with the launch of the small business.
Staying organized while starting a small business
Staying organized while starting a small business is a crucial factor. A professional business plan can help entrepreneurs stay on top …Read Full Article