Every day we here at CanadaStartups get hundred of requests for information on government funding for small businesses in Canada. One of the main questions that gets asked of us all of the time is does government funding for small businesses really exist?
We are taking some time to share with you the truth about government funding.
General Public Knowledge
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The month of September is here and your small business needs funding.
You may be looking to start your small business and get the funding needed to cover the startup costs, to hire and train your staff, to pay for marketing and advertising, to purchase the tools and equipment you need, or simply to improve your cash flow. Whichever it …Read Full Article
Guaranteed government funding for your small business! Would that be nice?
The only problem is that nobody can guarantee you funding, and we will explain exactly why that is.
First of all, we here at CanadaStartups offer a small business platform to help small business owners startup and search for funding. One of our tools is the Funding Database, which provides …Read Full Article
When starting a small business in Canada, most entrepreneurs start of one of two ways.
With existing money/capital/funding, or little to no money which leads into the need to get  small business grants or funding.
Some would say, “how can you start a small business and have no money to start off with?”, and they aren’t wrong. However as Canadians, …Read Full Article
Government grants, what a wonderful concept invented by the government to help.
I mean, who doesn’t want a grant. It’s free money for you to do whatever you want for your small business. You never have to pay it back.
According to most people we ask, yes. But then again, those people we ask are coming here to learn …Read Full Article
When applying to government funding programs for your small business in Canada you want to ensure that you don’t make any mistakes that could get your funding application denied.
The first step to applying to funding programs such as government grants, government loans and tax breaks is to locate the appropriate programs which you see as most fit for your funding …Read Full Article
Government funding, seems impossible to get for your small business, doesn’t it?
Before you apply for government funding, there are a few things you have to understand about it and the misconception behind it. These are the few mistake that the majority of people applying for government funding make before they even start, and fail.
#1. Government funding is not available for …Read Full Article
The month of July brings a lot of things our way. We start of with Canada’s birthday, isn’t that just great? Our land and our home turns 150 Years Old. #Canada150
Along with hopefully some nice weather, CanadaStartups has an updated Funding Platform.
What does this mean for you?
It means that as of the start of July 2017, our …Read Full Article
When it comes to government funding for small business, everybody has an endless stream of questions. It’s normal to ask questions about something that is “the unknown”. In our line of work, CanadaStartups has an average of 80 live chat requests per day, about a 100 or so e-mails and hundreds of phone calls. The one thing that all these have …Read Full Article
Government funding.Â
It’s one of those things that everybody seems to know so much about and have an opinion on. It’s just like everyone knows everything there is to know about being a small business owner.
If you can’t tell by reading that, I’m being sarcastic.
But the sad truth is that business ownership and government funding both have a few …Read Full Article