Did you know that one of the top reasons why small business owners in Canada end up failing within the first few years of starting up is due to the lack of funding? What would happen to your small business and your idea if you needed funding, and didn’t have any? What would you do if your small business needs funding?
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Knowing when your small business needs government funding can mean the difference between success and failure. So before you apply for funding, or hold off on applying for government funding, stop and think. Do you need it?
When it comes to government funding there is a difference between your small business needing the funding and wanting the funding, so be sure to …Read Full Article
The want for government funding for your small business is often confused with the need for government funding. However these are two very different situations that a small business owner can be in. So do you need or want government funding to help you startup or grow?
Many people refer to government funding as “easy” or “free money” and most of …Read Full Article
Guaranteed government funding for small business owners in Canada.
Yes, please sign me up!
If somebody can guarantee you government funding for your small business, what are you doing here reading this? Go get it!
However the only problem with that statement is that there is literally nobody that legally can guarantee you government funding for your small business.
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Just about a thousand times a week we here at CanadaStartup get e-mails, phone calls or text messages from readers like you (small business owners, entrepreneurs, business individuals). Those who always seem to say the exact same thing about government and funding!
I called the government for funding and they said…
We don’t have any funding…
There is no government …Read Full Article
Funding: What does funding mean for you and your small business?
Realistically speaking; funding, or lack of funding when starting or growing your small business in Canada can lead to the demise of your business.
Generally when it comes to funding, small business owners have one of these two problems: too much funding to start with and spend it too …Read Full Article
When it comes to finding government funding for your small business in Canada – where do you go? Who do you turn to? Is it even available?
Finding government funding to fit your small business needs isn’t easy, but at the same time it isn’t impossible.
In fact, thousands of small business owners across Canada in search of government funding, be …Read Full Article
Okay okay, so the big question, or questions of the day – well, of the month or even the year are about government funding for businesses in Canada.
Is government funding for small business owners in Canada real?
Does government funding exist?
Is government funding for businesses a scam?
Why am I not eligible for government funding?
Why can anyone …Read Full Article
Canadian Guide To Business Funding – How to get your small business in Canada funded!
There’s no better way to get closer to funding your small business then when you have a business plan in place. A business plan will tell you what you need, how much you need and more…
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We love hearing of small business owners across Canada obtaining government funding! So this week we are sharing our latest success story from Hamilton, Ontario. Danny was able to obtain $32,000 in government funding to use towards the purchase of new tools and equipment for his Canada-wide trucking and transpiration business.
We had a chance to speak with Danny about …Read Full Article