If you have ever applied for a loan before, you must be familiar with the concept of a guarantee. This is the party which undertakes to repay the loan, should you fail to do so. Small businesses in Canada can be able to obtain financing from various lenders with the government acting as their guarantor. The government created this program …Read Full Article
The growth of the internet has brought with it new social platforms where people can share ideas, and even raise money to start a venture. This is exactly how crowd funding came to being. Basically, entrepreneurs pitch their idea to members of a crowd funding platform and a fundraiser is done to secure the money they seek as capital. This …Read Full Article
When starting your small business in Canada, one of the first questions that often comes to mind is how much money do you need to …Read Full Answer
Over the last few weeks, this is one of the questions that has been popping up very often. Can people in Ontario get free money …Read Full Answer
Starting a small business in Canada can be very difficult and expensive. Many entrepreneurs that have succeeded have said that one of the major reasons for their success was being able to obtain the right amount of funding and running the business with capital needed for every move they made. On the other hand, many entrepreneurs who have failed said …Read Full Article