As a small business in Canada, no matter if you are just starting out or expanding your business, money is always crucial to your success.
Having the required capital can ensure that you can cover your startup or growth expenses and focus your time not stressing about your financial situation and more time on growing your business.
Running a business …Read Full Article
One of the oldest questions that people like to ask when it comes to government funding in Canada is, “Am I eligible for government funding?”, or, “Can I get funding?”.
Well, there are many factors that come into play when discussing government funding for your small business – and if you should consider applying or not.
While every government funding …Read Full Article
The Canadian government has many different business grants and funding options available for small business owners across Canada.
These funding programs, while available, have daunting steps that you have to go through to ensure you can even apply.
Without the proper steps and guidance, applications can quickly be denied.
Writing a Successful Government Grant Application
Once you have taken the …Read Full Article
As a small business owner in Canada you may already be aware that the Canadian government provides funding to small business owners across the country? If not, applying to government funding programs may be the next step you take for your own small business.
Follow the below guide for applying to government funding options to ensure a greater chance of …Read Full Article
Applying for government funding programs as a Canadian small business owner is a bit tricky.
With so many different funding programs out there, across different provinces, for different industries and all with various funding needs, it’s no wonder that applying to these programs can become stressful for a startup or existing business owner – especially when you have a million …Read Full Article
As a small business owner or startup entrepreneur in Canada you’ve most likely considered applying for funding/financing at one point. This means that you probably heard the term “funding factors”.
If not; funding factors are what determine whether you and your small business are eligible to get funding/financing.
Simplifying the meaning of funding factors; funding factors are simply rules or …Read Full Article
Did you know that around 73% of funding applications submitted to government funding agencies by Canadian small business owners are denied due to simply being filled out wrong?
If you have a small business in Canada, or are thinking of starting one up any time soon, this article and these funding application fails and ways to avoid them is definitely …Read Full Article
As a small business owner in Canada you are offered a lot of help from the Canadian government. This means there is an opportunity for your small business to take part in applying and obtaining government funding. We are lucky to have such great support from the government!
When it comes to actually applying for government funding for your small business, it …Read Full Article
Gathering enough capital to run your small business is always a number one priority for any beginning or experienced entrepreneur. Applying for funding is an ongoing aspect that usually will never go away, especially if you run a not-for-profit company. Since there are so many funding programs by the Government and also run privately, it is incredibly important that you …Read Full Article
Starting a small business in Canada is something a lot of Canadians dream about. More importantly they dream about starting a successful Canadian business that will thrive in the current economic state. Time and time again, small businesses have to shut their doors because they simply have run out of money. Small business owners need to be applying for funding. …Read Full Article