Small Business Grants Ontario
Is your small business eligible for Small Business Grants in Ontario?
How can Small Business Grants be used?
What our Funding Database has to offer...
Small Business Grants in Ontario can be used toward helping your business pay for R&D, to hire and train staff, pay for marketing/adveritising, to purchase tools and equipment and more. The next step is to see if your business may be eligible.
312 Grants
379 Loans
862 Investors
Ontario Small Business Grants
How much funding could you potentially get?
Before applying for Small Business Grants in Ontario there are a number of factors that must be considered.
The amount of funding that your small business may be able to obtain from the Ontario government depends on these factors.
Small Business Grants handed out by the Ontario government in the past have been as little as $1,000 and over $20 million.
See the application factors below and remember; each small business grant program has it's own set of qualifications.
Primary Application Factors
- Your Location (Province and/or City)
- Your Business Industry
- Your Funding Needs
- Application Deadlines
Secondary Criteria?
- Your Business Plan (can't apply without one)
- How Much Funding You Need
- Your Credit Score/History
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"My partner and I sat down and started going through every single private investor, trying to see who would be best suited for our needs. We were looking for somebody in the GTA, somebody with tech experience, somebody who knows our industry preferably. We reached out to a few but we didn't get any replies. Actually I contacted your experts from the membership area and the one that replied back to me told me to look at a specific grant program. When I opened it, I realized it was a government program. I instantly though that it will be difficult, and pointless. Why would the government fund my business if the banks didn't even want to look at it. But after further reading and noticing that the criteria to apply was pretty simple, and we had all of it already we tried anyways. "
$138,000 Small Business Grant Recipient
Milton, Ontario