Starting a Small Business in Ontario
Starting a Small Business in Ontario
The steps it takes to become a small business owner in Ontario
Deciding on starting a small business in Ontario can be a difficult decision to make. To help you decide here are some statistics that show why starting a small business in Ontario is a great idea:
Population: 14.19 million
Registered small businesses: 389,116
Funding Programs Potentially Available for Ontario:
303 Grant Programs / 147 Loan Programs /231 Assistance Programs
Find out if you may be eligible using this tool.
Before you get register your Ontario small business, there are a few important things to know about starting a small business in Ontario:
Is starting a small business in Ontario right for you?
Do you have the tools and the resources to start your small business?
Do you have the funding your small business in Ontario will need?
What are the next steps to help you startup?
Do you need help getting your business started?
As a small business entrepreneur you have a lot of step to go through. Canada Startups is here to help you each step of the way. Not only do we guide you step by step, but we help you startup, assist you with your business plan, help you find funding programs that can get you funding for your Ontario business. And more.
Starting a Small Business in Ontario
Is it right for you?
Starting a small business in Ontario is an excellent choice. Ontario is one of the fastest growing Canadian provinces and one of the top spots in Canada where small business and entrepreneurship is booming. Currently over 389,000 small businesses are taking advantage of this. Who wouldn't want to take part.
If you're ready to start your own small business, consider contacting one of our small business advisors to get started. It takes a minute. You can also call them right now at 1-800-288-9691.
Before you move forward:
Prior to moving forward with starting a small business in Ontario, be sure that you have the following ready:
☑️ Do you know what your business is going to be? If not, check out some of these top 10 business ideas.
☑️ Have you created your business plan? Get it reviewed by an expert. If no, time to create one right now!
☑️ Do you know which funding programs are available in Ontario? Funds are available to help startup, to hire staff, pay for marketing, tools/equipment and more.
☑️ Keep in mind it's always important to have business insurance. We've partnered with Zensurance to provide your business with a tailored business insurance quote. It takes just a few minutes to complete your free quote online. Zensurance has served over 300,000 small businesses and is Canada-wide (Excluding QC and NWT). No obligations to you with the free quote, but will help ensure your business is fully covered!
$34,750 Government Grant for Small Business Owner in Ontario
After using the Small Business Startup Portal by CanadaStartups we were able to complete our business plan and apply for a Ontario based funding program which helped us secure a $34,750 government grant to assist with paying out staff.
Tools/Resources For a Small Business in Ontario
There are a ton of tools and resources to help small business owners in Ontario to successfully startup. Accessing these tools and resources is critical to the success of your small business.
Do you know what tools and resources you need to make sure your Ontario based business finds success?
Business Plan Builder Tool
Use the Business Plan Builder Tool to quickly and effectively develop a business plan for your new or existing small business in Ontario.
Personalized Investor PitchDeck
The simple to use PitchDeck gives you the opportunity to build the perfect presentation to use when pitching your small business to potential investors.
Funding Program Database
Find the funding programs your small business in Ontario deserves with full access to 1,500+ programs available in our Funding Database.
Funding for your Small Business in Ontario
When starting a small business in Ontario, funding is critical. Finding the funding that may be available for your small business is important very early on. So don't wait until you need the funds - search for funding right now.
Small businesses in Ontario are lucky since the Ontario government greatly support entrepreneurship. This means that are are many different government funding programs in Ontario for small business owners to take advantage from (just take a look at this Ontario funding search walk-though of our Funding Database).
Want to see what funding in Ontario may be available for?
What are the next steps?
The steps of starting a small business in Ontario are simple.
☑️ Get the business idea.
☑️ Create a business plan.
☑️ Have the business plan checked.
☑️ Start your funding search.
☑️ Apply for funding.
☑️ Launch your small business
If you are ready to start your business in Ontario, don't wait any longer. Get more information on how to start your small business, how to get your business plan done and how to get funding.
The first step, call 1-800-288-9691 for one of our Ontario small business specialists to assist and guide you.
Get Help and Start Your Small Business in Ontario
Get help with starting a small business in Ontario!
There is no need to be the business plan expert, the funding researcher, the website developer, accountant or the person who needs to know and do everything. That's why experts exist to help, so be sure to take advantage of it when available.
For example:
Experts at CanadaStartups are included with your membership to the Small Business Startup Portal.
That means that you can get help starting up, with your business plan, with the funding search since you would have access 24/7 and for the entire year so you can ask any questions and get as much help as you need to start your Ontario business.
- Wendover Small Business Startup Centre
- Streetsville Small Business Startup Centre
- Wardsville Small Business Startup Centre
- Ingersoll Small Business Startup Centre
- Maple Small Business Startup Centre
Other Locations
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