How do I apply for government grants and loans for my small business?

Become a member of CanadaStartups and get access to the Funding Database with over 1,500 funding programs, access to over $612,676,848 in available funding as well as access to the Investor PitchDeck, the Investor PitchDeck and the step by step startup guide for your business. Join CanadaStartups today and take advantage of these amazing business opportunities.
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.
Many women owned small businesses have benefited from the Canadian national government grants. Your company may be able to attain similar funding from the national โฆRead Full Answer
A small business loan application sample is a great tool to utilize if you are contemplating on applying for a small business loan. When it โฆRead Full Answer
Yes, there are government grant programs in Ontario for businesses that qualify for them. If you cannot find the grant programs that fit your business โฆRead Full Answer
If you own an endangered species type of business for profit and it is classed as a small business, then you may be able to โฆRead Full Answer
If you are interested in the information technology government grants in respect to the small business grants, then you would have to check with the โฆRead Full Answer
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