Borrowing money to start your business is never easy, but having a source of money is always helpful.
In Canada, small businesses have been a major player in keeping the economy strong. In fact, nearly half of the jobs created today are due to small business owners’ success. To continue the success of small businesses in Canada, and to continue …Read Full Article
So you’re thinking about joining the other millions of self-employed Canadians, but you have one burning question: Where does the money come from? If you’re not one of lucky few with a bottomless budget at your disposal, you’ll have to look into financing to access the cash flow your business needs to cover start-up and operating costs.
So what are …Read Full Article
Understanding government grants will give you an advantage when applying.
Canadian government funding programs are available to help small business owners such as you, obtain funding to start-up or expand their business. Government funding is handed out in various forms by various funding agencies and may support your business with amounts from $1,000 to well over $10 million depending on …Read Full Article
The fact that you are on a government grants and loans research website tells you one thing. Your small business needs government funding assistance.
Aside from the obvious, what are the in-depth signs that your small business may need government help?
Whether your business is a start-up, or an established business – government assistance may come in a variety …Read Full Article
As a small business owner or entrepreneur in Canada you may have at one point given some thought to the idea of applying for a business grant or loan. But if you are still “giving thought”, something must have stopped you from moving forward with obtaining funding.
Grants and loans are a perfect way to give your business the financial …Read Full Article
When you are in need of a capital infusion into your small business, you don’t really care if the money you obtain is from a credit card, a bank loan, a government grant or from family or friends. But should you care where it comes from? Is there a difference between one type of funding versus another?
The simple answer …Read Full Article
Business capital is what the majority of small business owner lack whether in the start-up or expansion stage of their business cycle. The unanswered question still remains, what does it take to get your small business funded?
Some business experts will tell you a business plan should be your first step towards obtaining funding for your small business, are they …Read Full Article