Getting your new business off the ground can be quite challenging. In most cases, entrepreneurs lack the necessary capital or qualifications to seek capital from established private sources such as banks and venture capitalists. However, it is worth noting that you can still get the necessary funding to start a business by taking advantage of government funding programs.
In a …Read Full Article
As an entrepreneur, it is often hard to secure traditional sources of financing to get a new operation off the ground. Most entrepreneurs who are passionate about their business idea usually opt to go to friends and family members in a bid to raise the needed cash.
It is so much easier to raise funds to fund a start up …Read Full Article
The Canadian government offers grants to small businesses through various levels of government. These include federal, provincial and municipal governments. When it comes to applying for government grants, it is worth noting that the process can be time consuming and tedious; applying for other forms of financing may prove to be more fruitful. However, if you are looking to benefit …Read Full Article
If you have ever applied for a loan before, you must be familiar with the concept of a guarantee. This is the party which undertakes to repay the loan, should you fail to do so. Small businesses in Canada can be able to obtain financing from various lenders with the government acting as their guarantor. The government created this program …Read Full Article
When it comes to debt, it is important to note that although it is possible for you to live without it personally, most businesses survive through it. Debt financing allows businesses to finance various investments for growth. However, even with the benefits of accessing more financing in mind, applying for debt should be treated with a lot of care. This …Read Full Article
The growth of the internet has brought with it new social platforms where people can share ideas, and even raise money to start a venture. This is exactly how crowd funding came to being. Basically, entrepreneurs pitch their idea to members of a crowd funding platform and a fundraiser is done to secure the money they seek as capital. This …Read Full Article
As a small business owner or startup entrepreneur, at one point in your business life cycle you will wonder about funding your small business. When you start looking at all of the options on how to fund your startup venture, or how to grow your existing business the obvious funding choices are there: friends, family. personal savings, credit cards, bank …Read Full Article
Should you be paying somebody to get access to government funding programs for your small business?
This questions seems to be a pretty big one that small business owners in Canada seem to have when it comes to searching, applying and getting funded through programs offered by the Canadian government.
There are many organizations out there who have taken the …Read Full Article
If you are an entrepreneur, or starting a business – you’ve most likely heard the term “elevator pitch”. If not, an elevator pitch is typically a quick presentation of 30 to 60 seconds summarizing your business. Think of it this way, you just walk into an elevator, and as the door closes the other person in the elevator asks you …Read Full Article
Starting a small business in Canada can be very difficult and expensive. Many entrepreneurs that have succeeded have said that one of the major reasons for their success was being able to obtain the right amount of funding and running the business with capital needed for every move they made. On the other hand, many entrepreneurs who have failed said …Read Full Article