This year flew by. It is already December and before we know we will be so involved with the holidays that it’s so easy to forget business. But before that happens, let’s do something good together to ensure we give our small businesses an opportunity come the new year. Here we are with the December 2016 list of Small Business …Read Full Article
Just as there are grant programs of aboriginals, or immigrants, as a woman in business you are able to find funding programs, especially grants for a new business in Canada.
The Canadian government has hundreds of open grant and loan programs, and a number of women’s grants for a new business.
The simple truth is that as a woman you …Read Full Article
Lately we’ve been receiving a lot of questions about how you can get small business funding for your own business. We’ve been answering each of these questions one by one, but the questions keep on coming in. So to summarize the best answer which we often provide, and one that seems to always help get small business funding for most people …Read Full Article
Ninjas are very careful, detailed and sneaky.
Everything that a ninja does is pre-planned and geared towards accomplishing the target goal.
In this case, as a small business owner your target goal is getting your business funded.
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We can’t go on, we have no more money!
Is that really what you want to hear when starting your small business? Probably not. So how exactly do you generate more funding for your startup?
There are the obvious few ways that most startup entrepreneurs turn to including:
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So you decided you want to start a small business in Canada, but you have bad credit. Well, you are not the only one. In fact, a large percentage of Canadians are in the same situations you.
When starting a small business, you in fact do need a credit score fix so we have taken the time to show you the …Read Full Article
Whenever a startup business receives government funding support or money from any private or government source, all of us here at CanadaStartups cheer!
Exactly what happened this week with a local Toronto business startup (eCommerce startup) that successfully locked in funding from the Ontario government in the amount of $78,932.
The funding was provided by 3 funding agencies; a grant …Read Full Article
It seemed like just yesterday, summer was starting. But we are already in September (end of September), and we have A LOT of good news for you if you are a small business startup or thinking of starting a small business in Canada.
Why you ask?
As of today, our Funding Database currently has total grant programs, total loan programs, total financial …Read Full Article
Recently we had a question come in to one of our Business Consultants asking how do I create a business plan to get funding?
We decided to send out an e-mail to our existing members and those who have successfully obtained funding from private sources, from the government, the banks and from our Funding Database. The results we received back were …Read Full Article
Government Funding. Is it real or not?
This is one question that often is discussed around here among entrepreneurs already in business, or starting a small business.
Well let us dig deep and find out for you once and for all.
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