Sure you know that you absolutely need money to get your business started, but do you know how MUCH small business funding you actually need to get your idea off the ground? It’s sad but true: too much money CAN be a bad thing. …Read Full Article
When deciding to start a small business, be it in Ontario or anywhere else in Canada, it’s important to know the appropriate steps required to launch a successful small business.
Currently, there are approximately 389,116 registered small businesses in Ontario.
If you think that you have what it takes to start a small business in Ontario be sure that you …Read Full Article
When it comes to starting a small business, most people wan’t to do because it means “financial freedom”, “no 9-5” and “be your own boss”, but most people are also lazy to actually get out there and start. The problem is the amount of work, preparation, research and the uncertainty of how to start your small business.Â
Think about it for …Read Full Article
Most business ideas come out of thin air, are thought of over night and typically not much more thought is put into it.
That is, until that “over night” idea goes into effect and a business is made. Or at least started.
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As a startup small business in Canada it takes a lot to be successful.
You must have a million things on your mind: setting up your business, writing your business plan, thinking about your customers, the product, the service, the business cards…etc
But one thing that is critical to the success of all startup businesses that you may be leaving out …Read Full Article
If you were to ask any successful entrepreneur about what it takes when starting a small business, most would say it takes patience, dedication, an idea and money. But are you guaranteed to succeed if you have all of those?
When it comes to business, there are no guarantees.
The amount of “work/effort” you put towards starting a small business it …Read Full Article
How do you create a business plan?
Well, depending on the way you do things, you can spend days researching, days writing and you will have a well formulated plan. However, if you are like most people, no matter if you are business savvy or not, your time is probably better spent on working on your startup, versus writing your plan.
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Recently we had a question come in to one of our Business Consultants asking how do I create a business plan to get funding?
We decided to send out an e-mail to our existing members and those who have successfully obtained funding from private sources, from the government, the banks and from our Funding Database. The results we received back were …Read Full Article
When getting into business for yourself you want to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes that you often hear others have made which resulted in the business failing. Now some things will happen time to time that you can’t ever expect, but can prepare for. You are strong and you will deal with it – again, as long …Read Full Article
There are a million ways a person can start a small business, but which of those million ways is right for you?
Starting a small business the wrong way can pave the path towards failure right away.
And as a startup, you need all the help you can get.
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