Can I obtain a small business loan or grant to pay my employees?
You may be able to qualify to obtain a small business loan or grant to pay your employees wages. The Canadian government grants and loans programs for small businesses has a variety of different programs in place. In order to determine if you would be able to obtain a small business loan or grant for this particular need you would need to research what the various programs have to offer. Then from there you would have to make applications stipulating the need for the money and how it would be used.
Take advantage of our Funding Database with over 1,500 funding programs including grants, loans and private investor options. DonΒt hesitate to get your business funded. Start your funding search right away by registering as a member.
You can also take advantage of the Small Business Startup Assessment Tool below and see the tools and resources you need to succeed at launching your business. It takes just a minute and will also tell you if there may be any funding programs available.’s web site has a wide range of freely available information that may be able to help you with how to get a small business …Read Full Answer
Although there may be organizations that give out government grants, it is important to understand which particular institution is qualified and authorized to fund the …Read Full Answer
It’s important if you want online information about government grants that it is reliable information. Online information about government grants can get confusing by …Read Full Answer
An unsecured small business loan Canadian small business owners desire may be offered by the government at the provincial or national level. Not all available …Read Full Answer
The government grants for starting a business for minorities is not difficult to get if the individual can meet all of the requirements of the …Read Full Answer
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