Many people across Canada have troubles with their personal credit score. Be it due to personal circumstances, mistakes managing money or due to reasons beyond your control, having built bad credit over the years can have a negative impact on any funding that you are trying to obtain moving forward.
It is hard to dig yourself out of a hole …Read Full Article
As a small business owner or an entrepreneur looking to start a business in Nova Scotia it is crucial that you know of the various Nova Scotia small business grants that are available via the government.
The below is a full, detailed grants guide to finding all about the available government grants for your own small business in Nova Scotia.
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When starting a small business in Alberta, it can get costly with the various startup expenses. Getting business grants or funding for your startup may give you the boost you need….Read Full Article
The Canadian government is constantly making announcements of government funding programs to help small business owners – just like the Canada Digital Adoption Funding Program recently announced that promises $4 plus billion dollars to Canadian small business owners.
These small business government funding programs are provided to Canadians across the country in various industries including:
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Bouncing back from the pandemic, the Canadian economy is funneling $4 billion dollars over a 4 year period in an effort to support up to 160,000 small businesses across Canada, to create new jobs, including jobs for young Canadians.
Small businesses are what create a great economy and the government of Canada is proud to produce the new Canada Digital …Read Full Article
Everyone wants to make money in 2022, be it with a great new job/career, a side hustle, or a small business of their own, this is the year to make things happen.
Be it that the pandemic is putting a strain on your finances, or that you just need to get out of that job that you hate, or just …Read Full Article
It’s hard to know for sure how much it will cost to start a business, but to avoid any unforeseen expenses it’s important to start planning early.
Preparation will be required to launch a successful business. You should begin estimating and researching to figure out what exactly the expenses will be to start your business.
What Are Business Start-Up Costs?
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From small business government grants to early-stage start-up funding, there are a lot of different grants from the Government of Ontario if you are trying to start a new business or are trying to grow one that you already have. No matter what stage your business is in, a government grant can be one of the best ways to start …Read Full Article
Every year new entrepreneurs and experienced small business owners start looking for financing to either start or expand their businesses. Many of these entrepreneurs have heard about the benefits of receiving a grant to help with funding, but they don’t know where to look and find programs that they could be qualified for.
Luckily, we’ve put together a list of …Read Full Article
If you are thinking of starting a business in Ontario, or if you already have an existing business, there are various government grants that are available.
These funds are available from the Ontario government directly – as well, the federal government of Canada, and they range from …Read Full Article